Saturday 6 May 2017

Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, Oban

We were lucky enough to receive a 'Breakfast with Seals' experience at the Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary near Oban as a wedding present from an old school friend,, David, and his lovely lady friend, Claire.  We have both been very excited about this.

We visit this neck of the woods a few times per year as Alan has family near Oban.  Granny Marie lives in Benderloch, and Auntie Mo and Uncle Colin are in Taynuilt.  Mo and Colin kindly let us stay at theirs when we visit.  It's a beautiful part of the country.  Unfortunately, the past few times we have visited it has been a bit dreich.  However, this weekend was a scorcher - 22 degrees at one point!  It was great to have such lovely weather as it meant we got a few good pictures of our wee trip.

There are four seals at the Sanctuary, three ladies, Lora, Pippa and Macey, and one gent, Boo.  Each of them have different conditions which mean that they would not manage to survive in the wild.  We were able to feed them their breakfast of herring and they did some wee tricks for us, including giving us both a big smooch on the head.  Alan likened them to 'sea slug dogs' and I think this summed them up quite accurately.  

We had cereal and a bacon roll for breakfast in the cafe, and then had a wee wander around the rest of the Sanctuary.  The whole experience was fantastic and I'd definitely recommend a visit.  The staff seemed very informative and it was mentioned to us that they are currently refurbishing many of the zones.  I'll look forward to seeing the progress on our next visit.  

Thanks David, Claire, Mo and Colin!

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