Saturday 6 May 2017

Ee-Usk, Oban, Argyll

This is a place I've been wanting to visit forever.  As I previously mentioned, we are fairly frequent visitors to the Oban area.  This restaurant is in the heart of Oban, right on the waterfront with beautiful views from the floor-to-ceiling windows of Kerrera and Mull.

I'm a seafood fan.  Alan isn't.  This is the reason we have not visited before.  I had actually convinced him to dine here last time we were in Oban but I had underestimated the popularity of Ee-Usk (NOTE TO SELF - MUST ALWAYS BOOK A TABLE IN ADVANCE).

We nipped into the restaurant prior to our wee jolly to Kerrera to book a table for when we came back.  As Monster in Law is vegetarian, she was a little apprehensive about eating here, worried that they may not have anything to offer.  In order to reassure her, we checked as we booked the table that they can cater for a hungry herbivore.  Yes, they can.  Great!

We returned from Kerrera roasting and ravenous.  I already knew what I wanted.  Seafood Platter, of course.  The £19.95 one, not the Grand Platter at £100.  I was hungry, not rich.  Although I'm sure it's probably good value especially if you get five times what I got on mine.  Also, it serves two people.  Totally justifiable.  I will bear this in mind for our next visit.  

I've never had an oyster before but had wanted to try one for years.  I was quite nervous about puking it up in front of the whole restaurant...but I managed not to!  Woohoo!  I enjoyed both oysters without either of them making a reappearance.  A great sense of achievement was felt.  

I already can't wait to go back.

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