Saturday 6 May 2017

Kerrera Tea Garden, Isle of Kerrera, Argyll

Today we went for a jolly to the Isle of Kerrera, which is just a very short ferry journey away from Oban.  There's not much on this wee island, but thanks to my Monster in Law's obsession with scones, she knew there was a wee cafe at the other end of the island and so we made this our objective.

The ferry itself was, I felt, quite expensive at £4.50 each for a return journey, however, the two chaps running the show were friendly and welcoming and I really enjoyed the short trip.  It seemed busy both times, mainly packed with folk like us, aiming for the cafe.

Oban from the ferry

The journey was quite spectacular.  We had been blessed with a temperature of 22 degrees, which is rather unusual in Scotland in the month of May...or actually, any time of year.  We got a few lovely photos of the scenery.

I had been assured that the cafe was roughly two miles from the ferry.  I enjoy walking, but I do prefer to be on the flat.  Unfortunately for me, the journey seemed to be mainly uphill.  In the heat, I was struggling!  I would normally be able to walk two miles in roughly half an hour, but this took us quite a bit longer, I think it was roughly an hour, even the dog was flagging.

The tea garden itself was nicely set out with quite a few tables in the sun, surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers.  You can't actually go inside the bigger house as this seems to be a staff only area.  Luckily it was a nice day, otherwise, I'm not sure where all of the customers would sit.  The inside area, in the steading-like building, only had three small tables, all occupied.  

I ordered a lemonade and a lemon drizzle cake, both sounded refreshing - I was clearly in need to some zing!  Monster in Law ordered a scone, but unfortunately they had none left.  The friendly hap who served us explained that this was due to a walking group having ransacked the place earlier.  Alan said that he thought that some staff members and many of their customers looked 'a bit vegan', and 'as if they might wear hemp shoes'.  As terrible as this is to say, I must admit, I knew what  he meant.  

The lemon drizzle cake arrived.  It was a good sized slice and very tasty.  I was pleased that it was, as I felt it was quite expensive at £2.50, however, I can understand that not only do they have a captive audience, but also have to struggle with the logistics of getting ingredients to stock the kitchen from the mainland.  We had a wee nosey in the bothy before we left.  It was nicely set out and looked well equipped with everything you might need.  Monster in Law vowed she would stay next time she visited, although I think she'll maybe bring ingredients for scones with her as a backup plan.

I was pleased that our return journey was shorter due to it being downhill, because I could feel I had been sunburnt on our way there.  I hadn't been prepared for sun in Argyll seeing as Aberdeenshire was a cloudy 13 degrees.  Lesson learned.  

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