Saturday 30 July 2016

Melt, Aberdeen

I finally got to try Melt today after months of lusting after their cheesalicious Instagram pics.

It was everything I had imagined and more.  

The shop is little and works on a takeaway format.  There are a couple of wee coffee tables at the window, but they seem to be used as a seated queuing area, but could be used as a place to eat if the shop were a little quieter.

Geometric orange wallpaper adorns the walls of the wee shop.  Vintage pin up style paintings are hung upon those walls.  There is a formica cabinet filled with the sort of crockery that my granny might have had in her cupboard, nothing particularly fancy but a little nicer than the everyday stuff she used, and the sort that would only be taken out when other folk were there for supper.

The menu is great.  They clearly know what they're good at and have stuck with it, much to my delight.  It's great to see a new business flourish on their strengths.  

I opted for the 'Classic Melt', a blend of three cheeses, costing £4.20.  Alan opted for a 'Hag and Melt', consisting of  haggis, bacon, cheese and rocket, costing £5.00 - anything with haggis in and he's sold!

We waited for not much longer than five minutes and were presented with our wee bag of goodies and toddled back to the car.

My toastie was delicious!  The cheese was melted perfectly.  It was stringy.  It was gooey.  It was tasty.  It was filled to the edges of the perfectly toasted bread.  Alan had no complaints about his either.  I asked if he wanted a bit of mine, hoping he would offer me a bite of his.  He didn't want a bite of mine, knowing my game.  We're married now though - what's mine is mine and what's his is ours.  I sneaked a bite when he was too busy cooing over a passing shar pei.  His was fantastic too.  I might even have that one next time.  Although there's a chocolate one I had eyed up too.  I might have both!

I'm so glad there's a place like Melt in Aberdeen - it's just what the place needs - more small independent businesses to take it into line with other Scottish cities.  

I can hardly wait to go back for another cheesefest.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Mary's Milk Bar, Grassmarket, Edinburgh

I had seen many delicious pictures of ice cream from Mary's Milk Bar on Instagram, so I was keen to pop in past for a quick look at what is on offer.

I was pleasantly surprised.  There was a fantastic selection of flavours, and a great offering of non ice cream goodies - all in a teeny tiny wee shop!

The shop itself is decorated in pretty pastels and evokes a fabulous vintage glamour feel due to many of the fixtures and fittings being upcycled classics themselves - think formica tables and ice cream wall lights - which makes you feel is if you have stepped back in time.

I opted to have a two scoop tub, with my flavours of choice being salted caramel and pineapple and chilli!  Alan had a two scoop cone with salted caramel, and honey and lavender.

As it turned out, at the time we were ordering at the counter, Alan thought I had cash, and I thought he had cash - we were penniless!  Unfortunately (for us, not in general), Mary's Milk Bar does not take card, so I had to nip out to the nearest cash machine in order to pay.  Easier said than done.  The two nearest cash machines were being either fixed or refilled so I had to venture a little further for the next one, all whilst knowing that either my ice cream was in risk of melting or being eaten by Alan.  I eventually found one, although it charged me £1.99 for the 'pleasure'.

When I arrived back, my ice cream was intact.  Wehey!

Alan had demolished most of his cone, which I was a bit sad about as I was hoping to try the honey and lavender flavour.  Although, I was keeping by beady eye on his hot chocolate, wishing I had ordered one too.  Both of my flavours were delicious, particularly the pineapple and chilli one - I love trying new flavour combinations and this was certainly not something I had tried in ice cream before.  I thoroughly recommend it.  

At first I did find it a little pricey, with us being charged over £10 for a wee hot chocolate and two ice creams, but I can understand that you are paying for the experience as well as great quality ice creams.  Of course, Edinburgh is generally a little more expensive all round anyway - and after tasting the ice cream and a sneaky sip or two of Alan's hot chocolate, I was more than satisfied that we were getting decent value for money.  The hot chocolate was possibly the highlight for me, it was clearly made with proper chocolate and had the cutest wee spoon with a delicate decorative handle, again adding to the time travelling experience.  There was no way I could have had both an ice cream and a hot chocolate that day though, but I'll bear this in mind for my next visit.  

This is a fantastic wee place, which we will return to upon our next visit to Edinburgh, without a doubt!

Sunday 17 July 2016

Cue BBQ, Aberdeen

Today Alan and I went shopping in Aberdeen.  We don't often go, but there were a few good sales on and I wanted bargains!  

As non-breakfasters, we were both hungry by the time we were organised and ready to traipse around the streets, so we decided to nip into Cue BBQ which I had wanted to try for a wee while, after seeing their delicious looking posts on Facebook and Instagram.  (I should really get rid of all social media, it's costing me too much in food bills!)  One particular post stuck in my mind - the offer of smokey brisket stovies - difficult to resist!

We arrived at the restaurant and were able to choose our own seats, since we were the only customers there.  We chose a table for two by the window and were given menus by our friendly waitress.

To drink, Alan opted for a Pop Tart milkshake, and I asked for a banana one.  Unfortunately, there were no Pop Tarts and therefore no Pop Tart milkshakes, so he chose a chocolate fudge brownie one instead.  They were expensive at £5 each, but totally worth it!  We both found them quite filling though, so in hindsight we should have waited to have one towards the end of our meal.

Alan was eyeing up The Cue Overload, which is a tasty sounding challenge for those with massive appetites.  This is something which he would have definitely given a go six months ago, but he's getting on a bit now and his appetite isn't what it used to be.  He even asked our waitress about it, but decided against it when she admitted that it is massive.  One guy did it in 15 minutes according to their Wall of Fame!  We agreed to have a plate of stovies and a Cue Meat Platter to share between us.  Their extensive menu is on their website.  

As we sat in the empty restaurant, we were both impressed by the overall atmosphere of the place.  It didn't feel empty.  I was pleased to see the members of staff chatting and, at times, dancing behind the bar.  The playlist added greatly to the whole American barbecue theme, with Chuck Berry, Bruce Springsteen and Guns 'n' Roses playing - this was right up our street!  The decor added nicely to the experience, with a lot of exposed wood.

We soon started to notice other tables around us filling up.  By the time we left, we did find it quite noisy at times - I think this is just because there was nothing to 'absorb' the noise (no carpets, cushioned chairs, partitions etc) and there seemed to be a rather excited group of friends holding a reunion in one corner.  We didn't mind this at all but others, particularly those like my dad who is hard of hearing in one ear, may find this a difficult space to converse in. 

Our food arrived after about half an hour.  I'll admit the impatient side of me had started to wonder why it wasn't in my rumbling belly already, but then I saw it coming...

I think the photos speak for themselves.

Everything tasted as good as it looked, perhaps even better.  

The only thing I didn't particularly care for was the darker sausage - I'm unsure which kind this was since there were three different kinds on our vast, meaty platter - but then again, I'm not a huge sausage fan. (...I know, I know..)

Even Alan was defeated.  I hate leaving food on a plate, but we had no option as I really couldn't cart around three sausages, some chips, two onion rings and a dollop of homemade coleslaw in my handbag throughout a whole day of shopping, in fear if it all falling out and creating a sausagey scene.  The waiter did ask if we wanted to wrap any of it up to take home, if we had been heading home then I absolutely would have taken it.

Next time I will know not to be so greedy.  This place is excellent, not too expensive and possibly now my favourite place to eat in Aberdeen.  

Sunday 10 July 2016

Meldrum House Hotel, Oldmeldrum

I am very local to Oldmeldrum, having lived here for eight years.  I previously lived only three miles outside of Meldrum, in Hattoncrook, where I was brought up.

So I have a confession to make...

Although I often have a wee wander up there with the dog, I had never set foot inside Meldrum House until last summer, when a friend chose to get married there.  It's just not the sort of place I would thought to have gone, given that it's rather fancy and I'm not very fancy at all!  It is beautiful inside though, and when I heard that they had recently extended their lovely 'Cave Bar', I saw it as an excuse to pop in for a drink.

It was a Saturday night, we had just come home from walking the dog through some very long and very wet grass up at the quarry, and we decided we needed a little treat.  We got changed in to more suitable attire (ie. not soaking jeans and wellies) and Alan drove us the very short distance between our house in the centre of Oldmeldrum to Meldrum House, with the intention of walking home and collecting the car in the morning.  The distance is just over a mile, with much of that being the entrance driveway to Meldrum House.

When we arrived, we were pleased to spot the addition of an external door, allowing us to gain access to the bar without having to go in through the main doors, via reception.  I was pleasantly surprised when we entered, it was bright and cosy with many tables, including two booths built into turrets.  The original cave bar, although beautiful and quirky was very small (to the point where you could feel like everyone in the room could hear your hushed conversation) and lacking in natural light.  The original room where the bar was is now a corridor with many small tables, allowing access to the reception area from the room where the new bar is.  It is decorated traditionally with classic portraits of goodness-knows-who and a fantastic antler chandelier.  I particularly like anything tartan so I was pleased to see some tartan wallpaper and a tartan carpet in the turrets, which complimented the bare 'cave' walls beautifully.

Upon questioning the barman, we were told that this room was previously a bedroom, often used as a dressing room for brides when weddings were taking place.  With the addition of the new extension, this bedroom would not be so well utilised as the large function room is at the other side of the building, and is likely well catered for.

We ordered a bottle of Prosecco to celebrate our one month anniversary.  Alan also clocked the cocktail list and succumbed to a Mojito.  I resisted, which is surprising given that they are my favourite.  One of the turret booths was already taken by a party of four who seemed to be having a great time, we sat in the other one.   Our Prosecco was brought to us in an ice bucket and poured by a very attentive young chap who never let our glasses drain.  Alan's Mojito was delicious (I only had a sip!).

The bar was kept steady by guests from the wedding going on at the other side of the building - we enjoyed seeing everyone toddle in dressed in their finery.  The turret was a lovely place to sit and people watch.  My only complaint is that the table should be slightly higher.  I think many women, myself included, like so sit with their legs crossed but the table was too low down to allow for this.  Alan mentioned it too, but then he does have great long legs and massive knees!

By the time we had finished our drinks it was way past bedtime and we had a lovely stroll home, speaking about how we should come back again for more drinks.

Perhaps Mr Kammer might treat me to a meal some time?

Hint hint...

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Yvi's House of Tea, Inverurie

I came back.

I knew I would.

I couldn't resist.

Check out those lumps!

Mother came with me.  She seemed to like it too.

This time, I had tea!  It was delicious.  I had some sort of pina colada inspired blend which came with passionfruit syrupy sugar lumps.  Mother Hubbard had some sort of lemon based variety, I think, with mango syrupy lumps.

I was famished, so I opted for a pretzel burger from the specials board.  It was cooked to perfection, although the bun was very full and it was quite saucey - so a bit of a burger-in-your-lap hazard.  But totally worth the risk!  The pretzel bun was soft and a pleasant alternative to the norm.  I came with crisps and a lovely, fresh salad.

Mother Hubbard chose blueberry bacon waffles.  I tried not to sway her decision, but I knew she would like these.  She asked for a half portion - I guess I don't get my appetite from her!

Mother Hubbard - caught unawares

I will, of course, return here before long.  It's not often I eat out at the same place twice in less than a week.

It must be special.

Sunday 3 July 2016

The Bay / Aunty Bettys, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire

 Alan and I are faithful regulars to both of these places - not as regular as we might like what with it being an almost two hour round trip - but as regular as possible.

I believe that both The Bay and Aunty Bettys are second to none.  Whilst I may not be the sort of lass who does cartwheels over either fish and chips or ice cream, I would never, ever pass up either from these lovely places.  

When we visited this time, we were on our way back from the Scottish Game Fair at Scone Palace and were really meant to have been home mid-afternoon, however we ended up being much later than we had thought and popped into Stonehaven o the way home at around 7.30ish, knowing we had a lack of food in the house and a chip supper was likely anyway.  Our local chip chop in Oldmeldrum is okay.  But just okay.

What I like  about The Bay, amongst a whole load of other things, is the traceability of their products.  The whole menu is set out so that you can see where the fish was caught and by which boat.  It's lovely to see something so local on your wee wooden chip fork.  
I waited in the car with the dug whilst I sent 'him outdoors' to obtain the goods.  I was waiting for a long time.  It was the first Sunday evening of the school holidays though, so I was prepared for a long wait.  The views from the car were super though, I watched four beautiful golden retrievers playing on the beach with their owners.

Alan finally appeared.  I had the 'special' which was a seafood platter.  I have previously had this - it seems to be on the special board a lot, but I don't mind because it's delicious and often has a wee tweak here or there.  It consists of a portion of chips and three small portions of different types of fish.  As I expected, Alan had a haddock supper - he's very predictable!  We polished off our suppers in no time and were quickly eyeing up goodies from the shop next door.  Alan had said to me as we drove into Stonehaven that he wasn't going to have an ice cream.

We both knew that he was kidding himself.

We left the doggy in the car (Don't panic!  We were only gone for five minutes, it was not hot and all the windows were down at least a few inches.) and ventured into Aunty Bettys.  It's an Aladdin's cave of all things sweet.  It's really quite beautiful.  The only complaint I have to make is that the shop is not big enough.  It can be a little difficult to see what you want or reach one of the many, many sweeties without getting up close and personal with a fellow customer.  But it's a petty complaint compared to how many good things have come out of this shop.  

I had a two scoop tub.  One scoop of bramble and the other or raspberry ripple.  Alan had a two scoop cone.  One of mint choc chip and the other of sticky toffee.  The trademark sweeties were added to the ice cream - something they have gained a reputation for in an almost brand like way.  It's great to have something so simple make an experience just a wee bit different.  

Of course, we couldn't forget about our wee pooch in the car.  We got her her first ever doggy cone.  This is a small cone with vanilla ice cream and doggy biscuits instead of sweeties adorning the top.  I only discovered the ice cream was vanilla after I got just a little too curious ad tasted it.  I avoided the dog biscuits although the smell of them made the ice cream taste a bit dog biscuity.  Not something I would ever choose in an ice cream.  

But Fara loved her cone, possibly even more than we loved ours!

Scottish Game Fair, Scone Palace, Perthshire

This has become an annual event in our calendar.  This is owing to the goodwill of Alan's dad, Phil, who holds a stall here (Sportsman Game Feeds).  A pair of free tickets usually end up in our direction.  Phil deals in all things game related.  I think mainly feed.  Alan seems to have no clue what his dad does.

Alan insisted on taking the dog - a lesson we should have learnt from last year.  The game fair is a great place for all well behaved dogs.  Walking around the fair, at times, I did wonder if there may be more dogs there than humans.

There are an array of dog-related stalls, including a 'Dog Creche' which we made use of last year and again this year.  Fara was happily taken from us for two hours and popped into the creche where she got to sniff lots of other dogs bums.  This allowed us to explore the food tent and other places unsuitable for bouncy, hungry doggies.  This works on a donation basis with money given being put towards rehoming gundogs who can lo longer be looked after by their owners (Dog Creche).  Most dogs at the fair are very well trained gundogs and so put our badly behaved, poorly trained pooch to shame.  Although, said that, by the end of the day she had started to calm only took six or seven hours this time.

We bought a few bits and bobs, including a fantastic Scotland shaped slate from Slated which is going to be (hopefully) hung on a wall somewhere in our wee flat.  Their slates are beautiful and very well priced.  I hope to buy some more, both for ourselves and as gifts.  I'd be pleased to see them back at the Game Fair next year.

We also bought a gift for Phil and his wife, Sarah, as a wee thank you for the tickets.  A trio of wooden mushrooms which they both seemed very happy with.  They almost immediately picked a place in their very well kept garden to put them.

Last year there was a great stall selling roadkill pigeons which had been rigged up to move.  It was there again this year, much to our delight.  I'm sure there's a very good reason for this but I'm ill informed, preferring to concentrate on the novelty factor.

Alan and I ended the day convinced that our next big purchase would be a wood fueled hot tub.

Happy wife, happy life...

Saturday 2 July 2016

Yvi's House of Tea, Inverurie

This is a place I had heard about of a number of occasions.  The most recent being last week when my friend, Stuart, posted a couple of Instagram updates showcasing the fantastic food on offer there.  I was instantly jealous, having not seen visual proof of the tastiness available.  I demanded to know why I had not been invited and was replied to with an invitation to an Yvi's House of Tea brunch the following Saturday.

We arrived at around 11.30am.  The small cafe was not as busy as I had anticipated but took no time at all to fill up with hungry customers seeking their dinner.  There was an extensive drinks menu to look at, mostly tea.  There is every tea imaginable.  I'll admit I thought the teas were really quite expensive...until I saw what was coming.  I stupidly ordered a coffee - I should have known this was a choice I'd come to regret, not because it wasn't nice, but because the teas were clearly much nicer.  The clue is clearly in the name - Yvi's House of Tea, not Yvi's House of Coffee!

Duh, Kirsten!

My companions all had various teas.  They arrived in wee teapots which were set atop a candle trivet thingymabob - you know the sort you often get in Chinese or Indian restaurants to keep food warm?  They were accompanied by small pots of sticky, sugary, syrupy lumps which were all in different flavours, depending on which tea was chosen.  Stuart and Nicola explained to us that they had sussed out that these were available in jars for purchase near the cake counter.  We sipped our drinks from cute china cups with saucers as we waited for our meals.

The only downside that we found from this place were the teeny weeny tables - two people would have satat our table comfortably but four folk was a bit of a squeeze and we found ourselves putting the table decoration and empty teapots and cups onto the floor to make more room for our food arriving - although these were whisked away as soon as our waitress came back to us.

There is a large blackboard painted onto one wall which is updated with the daily specials.  I opted for soup from the specials board and then half a bacon and peach waffle.  There are several different waffles on the menu - both sweet and savoury.  I couldn't decide whether I wanted sweet or savoury to I opted for a combination of both!  Waffles come in half size for those who have a smaller appetite (not usually me) but I thought I might be quite full from the soup, and I might want a cake, so asked for a half portion.

The soup arrived and was delicious, clearly homemade and very filling.  The waffles arrived next...

I was brought a full sized waffle! Hallelujah!
The lady who brought them (I suspect she may have been the owner) apologised as they were placed infront of me as the order has been misheard in the kitchen and a full sized portion was made.  I assured her there was no need to apologise - I was delighted.

Alan was clearly delighted with his chocolatey waffles too! 
This emoji springs to mind...