Saturday 6 August 2016

Slutty Brownies

I have been fortunate enough to have had these made by a work colleague, otherwise I may have never known that such an exquisite delicacy existed!  

They were delicious and, like many other tasty treats, I had no idea what they were or how to make them.  They looked complicated, so I didn't ask, assuming it would be too much faffing around for my liking.

As much as I enjoy baking, I have a teeny weeny kitchen and no dishwasher, so the small space rapidly becomes really untidy and messy very quickly, making me grumpy.  Also, I'm not a very good baker so when recipes don't turn out like the picture in the book it makes me grumpy.

I am a grumpy baker.

A bittersweet moment occurred recently, the lovely colleague who introduced me to this culinary delight reached the end of her time with us, going on to higher climbs, before returning to us in a year's time.  A sad day.  But...she had baked.

As it turns out, they were made with packet mixes!  Hallelujah! Maybe I could even manage these?  I gave it my best shot.

So, on the bottom there is cookie dough, followed by a layer of Oreos (*other white cream filled chocolate biscuits may be available for purchase*) and then brownie mix on top.  It is then baked in the oven for however long you think is right.  I left mine for half an hourish.  Also, I added some extra chocolate chips because chocolate makes everything better.

Here is my photo timeline of events...

Yet another disaster.

They actually taste good, maybe a little bit crunchy around the edges, but I'd score myself an eight for taste, but clearly I'm a really terrible baker.

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