Sunday 7 August 2016


Today we were given a kind gift from my father in law, Phil, and his wife, Sarah.  They grow much of their own (award winning) fruit and veg and we were lucky enough to have received a bundle of goodies from them as we visited. 

My cooking skills are limited although I do love to make up recipes on a trial and error basis.  

I used up some veg in a stir fry as suggested by Phil as he messaged me to let me know that the peas that Sarah had included in our bundle were of the sugar snap variety and so didn't need podded.

I included beetroot in the stir fry, however, I wouldn't do this again.  Although the stir fry tasted great, it's a shame the other vegetable colours were masked by the pink hue.  I like a colourful supper. 

I had been wanting to try to make fruit liqueurs for some time - and this was my opportunity!  Perhaps not the most nutritious way to use up fruit but definitely the easiest way as far as i was concerned.  I had previously made limoncello as wedding favours so I figured it would be similar.

So, I have attempted blackcurrant gin and pineapple chilli vodka.

 Looks good so far!

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