Saturday 29 April 2017

Breakneck Comedy, Blue Lamp, Aberdeen

We were lucky enough to receive a Breakneck Comedy gift card as a wedding present.  We go as often as we can.  It's a fantastic gift to receive and will be renewing the card when it expires, although we have no idea when that is, sometime soon I would think.  It's a bargain, £99 for a years worth of laughs for two folk.  £50 each.  The shows usually cost £10 per person so you only really need to go  five times, as a couple, within a year, to make this card worthwhile.  It's a steal.

Waaaay better than the rip off Cineworld card we used to have!

A Cineworld Unlimited Card is £208.80 per person per year so £417.60 for two people.  Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this mean that you would have to visit the cinema roughly twenty times each to make it worthwhile?  There's no way Alan and I would agree twenty times per year on which films are worth going to see.  It just wasn't worth it for us, but I'm sure it works for loads of people.  I'm sure it doesn't help that we live outside of the city.

Anyway, back to business...

We love our Breakneck Comedy gift card.  It gives us a great opportunity to perhaps organise a date night, or to just get off of the sofa and into a more sociable atmosphere, as well as giving us the chance to see some fantastically hilarious people.

Headlining at the Blue Lamp last night was Dana Alexander, and she was great, She lit up the stage as soon as she came on and made one lady, sitting behind us, fall off her chair laughing.  I really loved the way she dealt with a woman near the front who kept speaking over her - there's always one!

However, there was a young chap who was on stage prior to Dana, a guy called Andrew Sim, who really did it for me.  Both Alan and I agreed that he was our favourite of the night.  He's a local lad, apparently from Lumphanan, who has a fondness for NECR, so he immediately won a place in my heart as I am also a fan of this top quality radio show.  (Honestly, they should be paying me here.)  He took them off to a tee and really the only thing he missed was a mention of the 'Lamb Bank', a regular feature on  the station around this time of year.  If his career in stand up doesn't work out, I have no doubt they will gladly take him on as a presenter!  I really hope we see more of him at Breakneck nights.

Aberdeen Country Fair, Belmont Street, Aberdeen

I've been wanting to try Little Squares of Heaven for ages.  This a a local, family run business based in Aberdeen and they make brownies using almond flour, which I am led to believe is the best flour for the job!  Today I picked some up at the Belmont Street Market.

"One of each flavour please...oh wait, can we have two of the caramely ones please?"

They are delicious!  It's awesome that they can send them to you by post too!  Look, LOOK, LOOK!

Next to their stall was Keith Brewery.  The chap selling the goods pushed the hard sale on me,
"Can I tempt you with some beer to go with your br-"

"Aye, of course!"

Poor guy.  I've not actually tried it yet, it's on my to-do list for today.  What a tough Sunday eh?