Wednesday 18 May 2016

Patisserie Valerie, Union Square, Aberdeen

I know, I know, I've only just started this blog and I'm already posting duplicate locations.

*hides face in shame*

I really just wanted to use up that second voucher!

This time I went with Alan.  He was desperate to go after hearing about my previous experience.

We arrived late and, again, we were seated inside, next to the table I previously sat at with Mother Hubbard.  We had a different waitress this time who, although pleasant, was not quite so chatty as the last lady.  The tea (breakfast for Alan and peppermint for me) arrived along with our tower of goodies.  All the sandwiches, scones and cakes were the same as last time so I was wise as to what was going to be my highlight of the tea.

Unfortunately, the sandwiches were again slightly dry as if they had been sitting out for a short while, but this did not put us off - especially Alan who never turns down food.  I let Alan have three of the four scones and he enjoyed them with all of the jams.  This time, instead of marmalade, there was honey, much to his delight.

The mini victoria sponge was delicious - I did not try this last time as I was so full - and they were so light I could have eaten several.  Again, the carrot cake was delicious and one of my favourite parts of the tea.

We noticed the 'Summer Menu' on the table which offered three courses for around £13 (or two for £10).  We left thinking that we might come back to try this offer as many of the courses sounded a bit different and very enticing.

Again, another lovely afternoon tea at Patisserie Valerie.

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