Sunday 10 September 2017

Vippa, Oslo

 We have departed on our mini European tour!

First stop - Oslo

We stayed with Dr Mick who moved to Oslo a few years ago and who is now a seasoned local (seasoned with salt and pepper) and so therefore knows some good places to get some grub.

He took us to Vippa, a food hall which offers many different types of street food in one big shed.   The long tables reminded me of a school canteen, but in a good way, and you had to clear up after yourself too - putting your dirty cutlery and glasses is a designated area for washing and making sure your table was clean.

It was great to see that each food stall had their own arty storefront to showcase their delicious food.  There were many options available, including a bar where we bought some local beer - the name escapes me but it certainly was good.

Thai food, Chinese dumplings, a stall which specialised in any thing chili related, oodles of noodles, pizzas, Ethiopian cuisine, spring rolls, all sorts of Mexican food, ramen, curries...and those are just the ones I can remember!

Predictable as ever, I had a sushi bowl by a stall called Bowls by Trio who, from what I can work out, serve food in bowls.  Simple as that.  It was delicious, but (to us non-locals) expensive, as is everything in Norway.  It's all relative, I'm told.

If I remember correctly, Michael had a curry.  If I don't remember correctly, I have only imagined this because of the frequency with which Michael consumes curries.  He loves a curry, that lad.

I was kindly gifted one of Alan's chips (the smallest one he could find!) that he bought from Duck It, who sell pulled duck burgers and chips, the chips being fried in duck fat.  The burger looked and smelt amazing.  I'll admit to having been a little jealous of him.

Why the duck don't we have a similar place in Aberdeen?  Or anywhere in Scotland?  (Correct me if I'm wrong!)  Someone sort it out!